Friday, June 27, 2008

4 more sleeps

4 more sleeps before Vegas - saying I'm pretty excited is probably an understatement. I decided to just take this week off from poker, as I know I will probably be putting 12-16 hours a day at the tables when I get to Vegas, so I just wanted to give myself a bit of break so I don't burn out before my trip is over. I know, who am I to say that I will burn out compare to other guys who grind MTTs/SnGs all day and have been in Vegas since end of May playing donkaments daily when my volume isn't even that high? Well, nothing to say to that really. I just wanted to make sure I go to Vegas fresh and have the desire to play and sit at the table. My live experience is very limited, so almost all of it is from cash games as there are barely any tournaments in Ontario that is within my "bankroll" that is playable. The only real live tournament experience either come from home games in the KW region, or the one $500 and one $1000 tournament I played at Brantford a year or so ago. I think for the most part I just want to go and enjoy the experience - obviously trying to win, but also get some experience under the belt.

As far as other things, I've been looking around, and found some really good deals on a site called US Airways Vacation - they offer flight and hotel for as long as $400~ per person flying out of Pearson (YYZ) to Vegas with 4 nights stay. Considering normal direct flight from YYZ costs $500~, I think I'm already planning my second trip and I haven't even taken my first one yet. I think my second trip might be more of a sight-seeing then a poker trip, as this upcoming one is primarily poker with a few parties here and there. Definitely would like to see the Cirque shows next time I go down, along with the whole Grand Canyon and what not.

My plan is to try to qualify for APPT Macau after this trip - good excuse to visit HK while I'm at it, but EPT in London as well as the WSOP-Europe doesn't sound too bad. High hopes for someone who is currently 0/5 in big live tournaments satellites (0/1 in APPT Seoul, 0/3 in WSOP ME, 0/1 in APPT Macau) but I'm bound to run good sometime right? I still have 1 year left before I finish my undergrad, but I only have a few courses left to do so my schedule for the fall and winter is probably pretty flexible which will allow me to travel - now comes the hard part of actually qualifying.

I think this might be my last update until I leave for Vegas with softball taking up most of this weekend. In reference to my previous entry, I have sold/swapped about 10% of myself for this trip. I am pretty satisfied with that but I would still welcome more "investors" if there are others interested. Please let me know by Monday night (June 30th) at the latest if you are though.


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