Monday, August 4, 2008


Jeez I'm behind on writing up my trip report. I still have 1 more full day tournament report to write on July 7th, and a couple of short cash sessions on July 8 and July 9. I can't really make an excuse for my lateness as its been almost a month now, but there are times when I could be writing at home, I just choose to play poker or video games over writing. I'll definitely get the July 7th one up soon as I already have some of the hands typed up.

As far as poker post Vegas goes, I've ventured out into playing mostly PLO cash game with some donkament and HE cash game mixed in there. I thought about starting at PLO full ring, but after observing it for awhile, it seems like 6 max is much more profitable. Not everyone is sitting just waiting for the nuts, and it is much easier to find and exploit the players who over-value hands like TP, bottom 2p, or an overpair. There has been more than one instances where players got their hands in drawing to 2 outs with an overpair and no redraw but getting there, but I'm getting money in good so whatever. I'm still learning to play the game for the most part, especially playing post-flop with pot control and what not. While I'm hardly a good player at hold'em, I figured I would jump on board the PLO ship while the money is there and continue learning hold'em on the side.

FTOPS is coming up soon, I'm not really sure how many events I'll end up playing with a regular 9-5 work schedule, and softball 2-3 nights a week + weekends. Looking ahead to WCOOP and obv going to be trying to satellite into APPT Macau still. After that I'll probably aim for EPT London and probably won't be anything until either Aussie Millions or PCA. Obviously these live tourney will be all talk no result as I am so far 0/4 on these big live tourney satellites.