Wednesday, October 14, 2009

First real session in...quite awhile

It's been a good...3 months + now since I've put in any sort of an online session. Tonight's session wasn't even planned, but it sort of just happened when I ended up being wide awake at 2~ in the morning with nothing better to do.

For the last 2-3 months, I just never felt the motivation to play and put in hours. To me, poker will always be a hobby/game. I don't foresee myself ever taking it and turning it into a full-time gig. Therefore, as much as I have been able to take adv. of the poker boom the past few years (although not as much as others have obviously), I will only find myself playing it when I'm motivated to play, and having fun while doing it. As a result, the only hands I've played up until tonight, were essential micro-stakes games where I would fire up if a friend was playing, or just to see whether I was ready to take the plunge.

Back to tonight, I guess once again motivated by my desire to win a PCA/Aussie Millions package, I decided to load up a few MTTs and just get back into the game again. This is the first time in awhile (basically since I came back from the WSOP) where I played, with no other distractions. No MSN/Google-Talk/TV/Movie/Xbox 360/etc etc. It was simply 6 - 8 tables (which became 4 real fast) on my screen, and me trying to accomplish something.

Getting back into it, I once again received a full kick in a nuts, a reminder truly how cruel this game can be. I'm going to spare the details* (I will post about it...but it will be the last paragraph), but it was a frustrating session to say the least.

However, on the flip side, I found myself slowly being "back in the zone" where I made a couple of thin value-bets, a couple of relatively big river calls, and even a couple of bluffs. CLEARLY the few hands I played tonight is in no way an indication that I'm playing my best, I mean for all I know, all these things I was doing right was merely by luck/chance, but at the end of the day, at the end of the session, I feel the motivation coming back. A motivation to once again put myself in a spot to learn, to challenge myself, and more importantly, enjoy my time while doing it.

What's next for me? In life wise, I'm finally finishing up school, and joining the real-world (aka. starting a career) is on the horizon. Which means, having the opportunity to travel around to different parts of the world might come to end shortly. Which means...over the next little while, I feel as though my goals will be to satellite into various live events all over the world. If at the end of the day, I end up stuck in Canada the entire winter, while I will be disappointed, at least I HOPE I can say I tried my best.

So hopefully, I will be traveling down under for the Aussie Millions come Jan 2010.

*DO NOT read if you do not want the detail of my session. (aka the bad beats and the cold deck)
-out of the 6 MTT that I busted out in, 5 of the bust out (or majorly crippling) hands had most of the money go in the pot when I was at least a 2 to 1 favourte
-the other hand, well, KK > AA all-in preflop

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