Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Mediocre Night

I ended up putting in about 3 hours of SnGs tonight as a result of my inability to fall asleep despite a long day ahead tomorrow. Didn't want to start up any MTTs in case I ran deep in any of them and I wouldn't want to run on no sleep when I will be playing volleyball from 830am til 10pm approximately (obviously with breaks in between) and also having a multi-sport fantasy draft after.

I'm posting this as I'm finishing up my session with the last few SnGs all getting close to the end stage. While a short session, I did experience some lows followed with a couple of highs. Started the session really bad, lost 5 or 6 flips in a row, and probably lost 3 to 4 60/40 in a row as well (on both sides). Things took a turn for the better when I was able to put together a few ITM finishes along with 2 wins. The last 4 tourneys I have up now is essentially a free-roll for the night as I'm up a couple of buy-ins. It's not much but considering the way it started, I can't complain. (whoops, as I said that I busted AK < A3)

Anyways, definitely nothing for Saturday and Sunday, and will continue my quest to go back on as a Gold Star in PokerStars on Monday.

In other news, I'm terribly excited for the SCOOP Poker Stars has announced recently. This goes to show PokerStars is still the leader when it comes to MTTs (and its not even close), as well as bringing things that users are looking for. I probably won't play too many of the H events (unless I run real well from now until April, along with satelliting in), but I'm definitely looking forward to putting in good volume with L and M events - even hoping to get my first "big score". Going to be tough fitting in some of the 2:30 start times, but I'll definitely try my best to squeeze in as many of them as possible.

Finally, I've been in contact with one of the more successful online (and to a certain MTT players about the possibility of coaching. It's been something I've been hoping to do for awhile, so now I'm just trying to work out the finer details. It is more of my own personal scheduling as I do not want to waste mine (and his) valuable time (and for me, money) if I am unable to devote a significant volume in play in learning. (side note, just busted another one AJ < A10 < K10). I definitely hope to be able to put something together soon so I can get this going to improve my play, and devote more time to this game for the rest of '09 and beyond. This opportunity is something I'm really excited about and will post more about it later.

This post has been pretty long, so I'm going to wrap it up now. More to come soon.

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