Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I am officially booked.

Tue Nov 11 2265 Depart BUFFALO NY (BUF) at 7:50 AM
Arrive in LAS VEGAS NV (LAS) at 10:00 AM
Mon Nov 17 3944 Depart LAS VEGAS NV (LAS) at 5:05 PM
Arrive in BUFFALO NY (BUF) at 12:15 AM

Total? $166 USD..SICK!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Poker Sunday

Played a bunch of poker yesterday this weekend, and I think its safe to say that I ran pretty good. Originally had to referee a few basketball games in the evening, so didn't load up/try to satellite into any of the big Sunday tournaments. It turns out the games were canceled as the motor for the basketball net wasn't working (or something). So instead, I grinded out the double-or-nothing turbo Sit and Gos on Stars, and was up about 15http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif BI by the end of the night. Could've been up a bit more but can't really complain. Other than that, also grinded out a few steps tournaments and I have a few step 3s and 4s tickets in my bank, so hopefully I'll be able to grind out a PCA tournament seat or something soon.

Nothing really new other than that - won't get to play much the next week or two as midterms/papers are really starting to swarm in...and hopefully will confirm and book my flight out to Vegas for a few days in mid-November. Still debating whether or not to head out to BC to play the British Columbia Poker Championship..probably not but we'll see.

Last Friday - went to the Sabres vs. Canucks game in Buffalo with Adam Schwartz (2p2 Pokercast) and Terrence "Not Johnny" Chan. Being with 2 huge Canucks fans, obviously I had to join in - not that I'm not a hater, Canucks is actually one of my favourite-non-favourite teams. Adam had an extra Canucks retro jersey which I proudly worn, although it probably set of the alarms of all the fashion police in the area. Obviously credit card roulette is on the menu when you're out with a bunch of poker players, and with 2 asians and a white dude, the white guy was losing the roulette with 100% certainty. Betting of the game must take place, and obviously being the most non-baller guy on the 3, $300 was placed for the over of 5.5. Adam and Terrence both won a dime from the game while I got chump change of $320~. While the Canucks lost the game 5 - 2 (can't really blame them - they just played Detroit the night before and won in OT..oh..AND Luongo wasn't playing), the 3 of us were probably the happiest Canucks fan in the arena when the 6th goal was scored. A funny note occured when we were crossing the US border - the border guard decided to ask whether the 3 of us were family. Let see, a 40 y/o white dude, a 28 y/o asian dude, and a 21 y/o dude as a family...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another Frustrating Session

Just returned from Brantford, and it was basically another frustrating session. So if you are keeping track, this is my second straight losing session at Brantford after going 20+ straight winning sessions over the past 2 years - so I really have no right to complain. Tonight was a different type of frustration compared to last session - tonight was more of the "how hard can you get screwed by the deck except not by bad beats"...illustration:

1. On my BB with A2, we have a blind raiser/straddler UTG. 5 callers including myself, and flops A2x - obviously the blind raiser has AA.

2. I cold-call a raise OTB with 98hh after a EP raiser and 3 callers. Flop A98 - got 2 bets in on the flop, 2 on turn, and 1 on river from 2 other players. Obviously they had A9 and A8

My last name of the night at 10/20 - LAGtard who has probably dropped close to $1K who just won a pot with 92dd on a AdK10d 10 8d board decides to wake up with KK when I have QQ....

And then there are other hands where it was essentially the deck not hitting in my favour.

1. 3 bet a LP raiser with AQ, lead flop, turn, check river and loses to 88.

2. Capped pre-flop with AK, and doesn't win race with QQ

3. Missing OESD/flush draws, OESD straight + flush draws

Just wasn't my night. Here is me hoping that I'm saving my good karma/cards/luck for Vegas - speaking of which I should get around to book my flight.

Next poker games - probably just grinding out FPPs on Stars, and trying to satellite into the PCA. Just got a reload bonus of FTP, so will probably play some PLO there as well.

Probably heading down to Buffalo on Friday with a couple of 2p2 guys for a hockey game, so will probably squeeze in a bit of poker/craps at Fallsview before the game.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

BCC Trip

Was at Brantford Charity Casino last night, and to say it was a blood bath was probably an understatement. [note of brag] I don't proclaim to be a limit expert/shark like Moose, but its probably been two years, about 20 or so straight sessions at BCC where I have left in the black. [/end of brag] So anyways, went to play some 5/10 yesterday, partly due to lack of liquidity, partly due to the fact that I was there with some friends so I wanted to play at the same table and what not...and the whole night I probably won maybe 5 pots max.

[bad beat stories] Normally I hate telling them, and I don't plan to, but this is more of reporting of hands and how badly I ran.

1. 1010 loses to 56 when it was capped preflop, and on the flop of 9 5 4 when 6 comes on the river

2. 2 pair goes down to rivered straight

3. 2 pair goes down to a guy who calls with top pair when board 4 flushed with clubs thinking he only had a pair when he had the 2 of clubs in his hand

4. AA loses to 22 when 22 flops a set

[/bad beat stories]

The table was the juiciest table I've seen, and if I had more money I don't think I would've left, but with that table the variance would've been huge, and unfortunately I was just on the bad side of variance. Things happen and I'll be back...In all honesty though, I definitely didn't play my best poker. There were things Moose pointed out playing on my right that definitely has got me thinking about limit and playing certain players a certain way. Also played some hands just more out of frustration where I could've probably saved a few big bets here and there, lessons learned and hopefully will get back there after the Thanksgiving weekend.

As for now, I SWEAR I'll have the tourney report from the one I cased in up soon...its all typed up on my Blackberry but I just keep forgetting to transfer it on to my PC when I'm in Toronto, and when I'm in Waterloo I don't have the data cable.

I was going to try to grind out some NAPC satellitse this week, but with school and assignments and midterms, I don't think I can really grind those out. MIGHT take one day and just go and see if I can get a couple in, but other than that I'm going to be focusing on grinding out for a seat in the PCA. Going back to Vegas in Nov, just need to book a flight now...should be a blast with Venetian Deepstacks running again.